Sense Magick
Near: Spell Rank * 10 meters
Create a disk of magical force.
You create a slightly concave disk of force, up to POW meters in diameter.
It can exhibit one of two behaviors, chosen at casting time. It either floats up to a meter above the ground with the opening up, or up to two meters above the caster’s head, opening down.
It can remain stationary, or move as the caster desires.
If facing up, it can carry up to POW * 50 kg of weight.
With the initial casting, the spell lasts up to a number of hours equal to the caster’s Power Modifier. Additionally, the caster may use the Fuel Pattern spell to extend the life of the effect for 1EP per hour.
The caster may also choose to allow others to use Fuel Pattern to maintain the spell. This decision must be made when casting the spell.