Short: Spell Rank * 1 meter
Cause a fire to flair.
You cause a fire to flair, lashing out at someone or something within two meters. This can cause the fire to spread to flammable objects within range.
It may also be used to attack characters within 2 m of the fire, dealing 1d6+POW damage to the victim. They may make a dodge check, DR equal to casting level, to avoid this damage.
You may expend extra energy at casting time to increase the range of the spell or make it easier to cast.
Each extra point of every short may do one of the following:
* Increase the DR of the Dodge roll by 1.
* Decrease the DR of the spell by 1.
* Increase damage dealt by 1 (limit + POW).
* Increase the distance the flame will move by 1 meter (limit + POW)
For an expenditure of 3ep, the range of the spell can be extended to Near, or Spell Rank * 10 meters.