Target Spell +1 EP
Target Spell + 5 (Or +10)
Create Spell Pouch, Mage Gift 1
Prepared Arrow, Target Spell Components
Imbue a specially prepared arrow with a spell effect
You imbue a specially prepared Spell Arrow with a spell that will be cast when the arrow strikes the target. The Spell Arrow is prepared using the Prepare Spell Arrow spell.
You must decide if the arrow itself will deal damage when casting Imbue Spell Arrow. If not, the Difficulty Rating will be at a +5 difficulty. This is useful for effects that you do not wish to harm the target.
By default, the arrows will only last for a number of days equal to the caster's POW rating. At the end of this time, any unused arrows will crumble to dust.
This life span may be extended by the use of a Spell Arrow Quiver.